YFT is a team of people who have been to remote villages in Africa, have seen the needs, and want to help.
How do we help? By raising awareness, fundraising and relationship building, connecting people from Africa with people here. Relationships are further developed during missions trips which, in turn, create cross-nation relationships. We can all learn from one another and help one another to grow in our faith.
YFT is not a registered charity, rather, we believe in partnering with and supporting existing charities. This allows us to raise awareness for a broad range of immediate needs in various remote communities.

Our Partners
To confirm that all donations are receipted and accounted for, we ensure that our partners are reputable and registered charities with CRA (Canada Revenue Agency). Our existing partners that support the needs of the villages that we've visited are listed below.
To learn more about each organization, click on the title/name:
The Great Commission Foundation Canada
YFT works with TGCF Canada to provide support/donations for the pastors of the villages that YFT raises awareness and fundraising.
In Kenya, our field partner Pastor (now Bishop) Silas Owiti-Oduor began his ministry with opening one church in the Yogo community to ELEVEN additional churches in the area. In addition to his ministry and family needs, Silas has many individuals approach him with requests for food, financial help for funerals of their family members, etc. Silas is always willing to help in whatever way he can. All of the above is not possible without the financial help of supporters here in Canada. Visit our Villages - Yogo page to read up on all the projects (school, farm, churches, etc.) that Silas has been overseeing since 2008.
If you would like to donate his salary/monthly needs, please visit The Great Commission Foundation and specify "Project 1130 Christ Glory Centre Ministry"
For the projects that Pastor Silas oversees, donations are made through Hungry for Life (see above).
In Tanzania, our field partner Pastor Titus Mashalla began his ministry in the village of Bukwimba, Tanzania and since meeting Titus on our first YFT missions trip in 2010, Titus and his family have relocated to minister and support another remote village outside the city of Mwanza. Titus and his wife "Happiness" felt called to relocate to the village of Mwalwigi as their needs were so huge that people were losing hope for their future and their children's. Visit our Villages - Mwalwigi page to learn more about Pastor Titus, the ministry and projects in the community of Mwalwigi.
One of the YFT team members who travelled with the team to visit Mwalwigi in 2018, worked with Pastor Titus to set up a means of donating to the needs/projects in Mwalwigi. Working with The Great Commission Foundation Canada, Pastor Titus started a charitable organization entitled "Partners in Hope Tanzania."
YFT, donors and supporters can now provide support for Pastor Titus' ministry and family support, as well as Mwalwigi village needs and projects, to Partners in Hope Tanzania through The Great Commission Foundation at: https://gcfcanada.com/partners-in-hope-tanzania/
Please be sure to specify either one-time or monthly support, and either "ministry support" or "projects". Specific projects can be indicated such as "Church Build" or "Agriculture".

After visiting Yogo, Kenya in 2008 and seeing the dire circumstances and needs, YFT was formed and began to raise awareness and funds. Donors responded with generosity and eagerness to help. In 2011, when You Feed Them expanded beyond one church and sought a charitable organization to work with, we were introduced to HFL. Since that time, we have continued to support YFT's first village of Yogo through Hungry For Life.
Together with HFL's efforts from additional supporters, we have seen Yogo village expand beyond our hopes and dreams for the people of this community. Visit our Villages page to learn more about what has been done in Yogo, and the current projects that YFT is supporting.
Why the name You Feed Them?
The decision to name our team 'You Feed Them' came about when recalling the historical event referred to as "The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes."
"As thousands gathered to hear the teachings of Jesus Christ, His disciples realized that the crowd was getting hungry and asked Him to send them away so they could get something to eat. He responded by saying "You feed them." A small boy brought a basket containing five loaves of bread and two fish to Jesus; He gave thanks, broke and gave the food to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over."
(Luke 9:10-17)
The You Feed Them team is hopeful that, as with the little boy, together with those who support these projects, that when we bring what we have, God blesses and multiplies it so that many who are hungry, are fed.