Sylvain Guindon
HE DID IT!!! We know that it was certainly a challenge given how cold it was! We're so thankful for your willingness to do this, for your dedication to complete the 51 hours, and for your love and support of the albino children. Sylvain's Alone fundraiser supported the 200 albino children in Tanzania. See below for pics/videos.
For those who sponsored Sylvain we are very thankful for you.

Would you like to enter as a Participant
and have your friends/family sponsor you for a great cause?
Send us an email, and:
Attach a picture of yourself;
Let us know the date you'll leave and how many hours you’re going to challenge yourself to; and
Provide your list of TEN ITEMS that you will take with you.
Don’t forget your cell phone and car charger. These DO NOT count as one of your 10 items.