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Water in Yogo
YFT farm in Yogo
Roland teaching with tractor
Pastor Silas
YFT team at YFT Farm in Yogo
Pastor Silas works the farm
Yogo welcomes the YFT team
Yogo - solar dryer - outside completed
Yogo - solar dryer
YFT President Roland Poirier
Yogo church
Yogo YFT Farm
YFT team at the Yogo Farm
Future Farmers of Kenya
Future Farmers Tanzania
Visiting Mitindo school in Tanzania
Pastor TItus and family Oct 2020
Pastor Titus distributes blankets
Pastor Titus brings food to school
Baptisms in Mwalwigi 2018
2 acres being plowed in Mwalwigi
Dirty water being collected

YFT is a team of people who have been to remote villages in Africa, have seen the needs, and want to help.  Understanding that fresh clean water is vital, along with land to obtain food security, which brings health and vitality to a community.

How do we help?  By raising awareness, fundraising and relationship building, connecting people from Africa with people here. Relationships are further developed during missions trips which, in turn, create cross-nation relationships. We can all learn from one another and help one another to grow in our faith.


YFT is not a registered charity, rather, we believe in partnering with and supporting existing charities.  This allows us to raise awareness for a broad range of immediate needs in various remote communities.  Visit our "About Us" page to learn more and our "Contact" page to reach out.

Please browse through our site pages / menu above to learn all that is being done and our current focus as far as events, and fundraising efforts. 

At the present time, we would like to bring your attention to an urgent need of Mwalwigi, Tanzania.  Click here to read up on what we're hoping will be accomplished ASAP and in the near future and what's been done since we began working with this village.  

YFT ~ Building Relationships ~ Bringing Hope 

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